2003 blog

friday, august 29th at burning man - black rock desert, nv
our only performance of the year! as with everything at burning man, nothing goes as planned. our show was true to form. we somehow managed to get our friends to show up on time, which is truely a feat there. the pa, however, had different plans. it was somewhere out on the playa, practicing for the big night ahead of it... without us. ah well. we still had one helluva night, and a pretty cool day leading up to it. we were able to perform (in what we thought was a rehearsal) in jame's handmade bandshell. it was crafted from a lot of cardboard and some of the biggest staples we had ever seen. it was so much fun. lots of crazies rode by and lots of crazies stopped. we graced them with songs. all was well under the shade.