2004 blog
saturday, july 31st at hopkinton jam - hopkinton, ma
another great year! this time around, we actually ran out of food and beer. ethan was kind enough to make a beer run, so at least we were ok in that department. so who all was there? well, shiner jones, tom bianchi, danielle miraglia, ethan daniel davidson, the mercy james gang, steve marden, stark naked, the twins, me and the us and leon rich. plus all of our friends and family. by the end of the day, even jay's dad (a.k.a banjo jack) was playing guitar. the goh set was fun. we were lucky enough to have snuck in a couple of practices in the few days before. steve breman sat in on bass with us. dana came up and joined us on a few tunes, while fred stark played away on trumpet. it was such a beautiful and fun day. we love hop jam! here are some photos taken by greg harris.