2024 blog
saturday, june 15th - arlington porchfest - arlington, ma
many thanks to gemma for hosting another porchfest this year. we kicked it off and played on the backyard porch. their yard and their hosting is simply awesome.
saturday, august 10th - hop jam - arlington, ma
another hop jam in the books. year number 4 for hop jam east. for whatever reason, this one was a little smaller than typical but it was still a wonderful hang out. most everybody played 4 songs each and we cycled through performers slightly faster than typical. and we even had a few new performers. leesa and dj were the 2 new ones this year. we were happy to welcome them into the hop jam family. now we just need to get them out of our basement (haha). jay's brother steve was able to come up from south carolina, which was nice as well. it had been a few years. thankfully the town and all our neighbors put up with us again.