2009 blog
wednesday, december 9th in the north end - boston, ma
we went out with derek and filmed chris walking in slow motion around north station and the north end. derek as well as other random passers-by walked around at normal speed. we're taking this footage and speeding it up so that chris is going normal and everyone else will then be sped up to see how that looks... we're adapting another calvino story and are figuring a few things out before we start shooting it. we ended up getting kicked out of north station because thanks to 9/11, we're not supposed to be video taping there... a totally rediculous rule since cameras are tiny and can be hidden. soon spies and terrorists will be the only ones filming in cool places and they're going to be the next youtube sensation, not us.
tuesday, december 8th - arlington, ma
our second attempt to record a song for the time lapse video... this one is over a minute... an epic. we still have a few kinks to work out, but "too young" is coming along.
friday, december 4th - arlington, ma
after putting the studio back together, we banged out a quick tune... this was going to be used in a time lapse video for sammy's first year, but as it turns out, the music didn't really work... but we now have a 24 second song... "growing up"
saturday, july 25th - hop jam - hopkinton, ma
hello old friends. good to see you all again. it was the 18th year... crazy how time flies. once again, a fun and impressive year. we always think that we're not going to need as much beer "this" year, and we always get the right amount... you guys keep drinking 'em. it helped that we had our somerville crew hanging around helping clean up. clean up the beer, that is. we got distracted and only ended up playing our kids set at the beginning... maybe next year we'll actually play a full set? practicing with brian the night before really paid off... his set was quite good. see you all again next year!
tuesday, may 27th
we mixed and released "let's go", yet another new goh tune. it features chris showing off his brass skills on both the trumpet and the trombone. it's been fun revisiting some of these songs we started after jay moved back to boston. some of the tracks are scratch tracks that we intended on re-recording, but ended up liking the way they were. or maybe we're just lazy? you can right click (or control click) on that link to download it if you don't want it to play in your browser. we also recorded some backing vocals for another goh song... that one will hopefully be mixed in the next few weeks.
tuesday, cinco de mayo
we mixed and released "when was i an idiot?" and "kissing booth". can you believe it, 2 songs in one night? it helps that these have been in progress for a few years now... and by "in progress" we mean that we started them a few years ago and didn't really do anything with them until now. since we're not gigging much, the least we can do is crank out some songs... especially ones that are already in the queue. you can right click (or control click) on those links to download it if you don't want it to play in your browser.
tuesday, april 28th
we put "rectangulo" online for your listening pleasure. this is an EP we released to family and friends as a gift way back when, but didn't put online till now. it captures our "sound" when we were playing out in SF with alex on bass.
tuesday, april 21st
we mixed and released our ac/dc cover of "highway to hell". chris is playing a cajon drum for this one. it's our first of hopefully many more ac/dc covers we'll release... we're thinking we'll do a whole album of 'em... we'll just have to see? ever since a night of drinking a long, long time ago, we had this vision of an ac/dc/country album... this was back from before we were even "goh". some of you probabably remember us playing "you shook me all night long" live a bunch of times... now you have some context of why. :) you can right click (or control click) on that link to download it if you don't want it to play in your browser.
sunday, march 22nd at the burren - somerville, ma

we tricked chris... he thought we had a gig, which we did. but it was also a surprise birthday party for him. hee, hee, aren't we clever? lance vallis sat in with us on lead guitar and tom bianchi sat in on bass. suddenly, we were a 4 piece. those guys rocked. derek and crew decorated "goh" themed sweets... plus kristin brought a cake... it was a sugary evening for all. near the end of the night, hugh yelled out "last call for cake" and people scrambled for the sweets... it was pretty funny. we know this because we were right there with 'em. a big shout out of thanks to derek for snapping these pictures and to frank for designing this cool flyer.