2013 blog
saturday, august 10th - hop jam - hopkinton, ma
another beautiful day for hop jam. if it were a day earlier, it would have been a disater weather-wise with all that rain. as always, it's great to see so many family and friends having fun in the sun and the pool. more and more kids are joining us on stage to perform. so great to give everyone an outlet to show off their showmanship.
sunday, july 27th - the greenway - boston, ma
figment boston, day 2. we were lucky our setup was relatively simple such that we could get there right at 11 and still be setup when everything began. other folks slept in more than us. we're early birds anyway. the day was a little more mellow than the previous day and night, but still a lot of fun for all. below are the pictures from the weekend.

saturday, july 28th - the greenway - boston, ma
figment boston, day 1. we were lucky enough to have dana drive all our stuff in so that we could bike to the greenway. it set the mood nicely for figment. we also got there and got setup reasonably early. this time, to start things off, we put up one frame with our nyc figment photos.. we tried to include some of the boston people in the pictures. it was good to have some pix for people to look at right away even though it wasn't in "real time". derek, greg and jay took all the pictures this day while chris manned the editing and printing. the weather cooperated and the event finally got to go into the night! the year before the night time stuff got rained out. we ended up editing the night pictures in color since they looked a little better than black and white. those were posted online and not printed. at the end of the night, i got to bike home with the scul crew... that was pretty much like a parade. people were high fiving all of us as we drove through the city with music playing. so much fun to be a part of that.
sunday, june 9th - governors island - nyc
with a little more sleep we kicked off day 2. the house where we were setup in front of ended up being the spot where the figment producers were all gathering. it was fun for us because we got to see our friends from boston, better meet the new york crew and meet others from other cities. it was wonderful to get to thank the people who make this all possible in person and to give them photos. it was a little less overwhelming on sunday because we got the lay of the land the day before. what seemed huge was at least managable by this time. it gave us the opportunity to meet more of the artists with each of their projects. it's always nice to see others, hear their ideas and see how they made it happen. another 1,000 pictures were taken this day. click on the picture below to see our gallery of images.

saturday, june 18th - governors island - nyc
figment nyc, day 1. the tropical storm ended just in time for morning in new york city. it didn't help us much on the drive down on friday night, but we were relieved it was over. we managed to make the 8:15 ferry from manhattan to governors island.. it was our first trip to the island and our first trip to figment nyc. it began perfectly. we met friends right on the ferry who helped us with our gear and made us feel right at home. it was just chris, jay and greg this time around. jay and greg were shooting while chris held down the fort and did all the editing and printing. with a few hours sleep and with smiles on our faces, we dove right in. everybody was so nice and friendly. nadette, whom we didn't know until the ferry ride over brought us breakfast while we were setting up. how awesome is that? figment tends to bring that out in people. we all need to be like this everyday. ourselves included, of course. with that beginning, we set off and took about 1,000 photos and talked to a lot of people and artists. it was great interacting with everyone and we were psyched at how well received our project was. below are a few samples. the entire gallery is linked to from day 2's update above.

saturday, may 18th - roxbury, ma
we were super impressed with the quality of the art and the spirit of community going on at bartlett yard. we saw some amazing street art, break dancing, and skate boarding. while there, we took some snaps of the goings-on. check out the pictures here.
friday, may 3rd - brighton, ma
we showed up for a great night of music with kingsley flood and air traffic controller. they sold out the brighton music hall. how awesome for them! go here to see our photo set of the night.
saturday, january 19th - arlington, ma
we spent the evening drinking margaritas and mixing down "sleepy sheep". it's still a rough draft but you're welcome to check it out.
sunday, january 13th - arlington, ma
we recorded the final bits for "sleepy sheep" off the kids record. now all we need to do is mix it down and make sure all is well with the tune. once mixed, we'll post it for you and your kiddos to listen to.
wednesday, january 2nd - arlington, ma
we decided to make a couple tweaks with "up and down", so we added more trumpet. how could you go wrong with more trumpet? there's always room for trumpet. so, the updated version has now been posted. here it is! download it and enjoy!