2011 blog
sunday, november 13th - arlington, ma
we dusted off this old EP we'd been sitting on for a few years. we mixed it all down and posted it. it's "i eat trash" by trashcan. download/listen/enjoy!
saturday, july 23rd - hop jam - hopkinton, ma
hop jam! as always, a hot and sunny day... we all made good use of the pool. it rained in the AM, which made us nervous and the rest of the day humid, but it all worked out and rain stayed away for the jam... thank you weather for cooperating. this year, there was a little more jamming going on... people sat in with others, a little like the old days. special thanks goes out to greg and meghan for picking up the real-time-art-show torch and bringing it to hop jam. we loved it and so did everyone else. it was really cool to be able to take home a souvenir of a few pictures of ourselves taken that very day. they looked great in black and white too. goh had fun playing, as always. this time around we alternated 2 songs a piece with sand machine. that was super fun, and it's always great to share the stage with them. see you all again next year!
sunday, june 5th at FIGMENT - boston, ma
day #2 of FIGMENT. this was a lot easier on us since we had all the pictures to hang up from the first day. we took our time and got to chat with more people for a longer time today. many thanks to our crew over the weekend: jay hagenbuch, chris harris, e derek smith, greg harris, jenna marcus, jason liu, david smith, jennifer hagenbuch and dawei. you guys all rocked and made this an awesome weekend. click on the photo below to view our album from the 2 days at FIGMENT or view it all compiled together in a video.

saturday, june 4th at FIGMENT - boston, ma
what an awesome day! we debuted the "real time art show" at FIGMENT boston. we set up our 3 frames and started taking pictures... and continued all day, printed and hung them up. the people there were great and loved the photos. we're glad this sort of free art show event happened in boston for the 2nd year and were phyched to see so many people out there supporting it.